GM3 offers boutique financial advisory services for clients.  Engagements can follow a narrow scope of work and finite timeline, while a longer-term approach may include GM3 “riding shotgun” as a deal or project unfolds - collaborating with the client in real-time to shift resources as needed. Services include:


GM3 maintains a niche building customized financials models. Designed as either re-usable templates or project-specific analyses, the end goal is to deliver a professionally formatted and easy to use model. Key components include a well-defined inputs section with easily identifiable/adjustable variables, and an Executive Summary that provides stakeholders with a comprehensive and easy-to-digest deal overview.


While a financial model can be delivered as a blank slate (with placeholder inputs for the client to adjust), GM3 often runs point or assists with project-level due diligence, in service of generating/verifying key assumptions: income, expenses, development budget, timeline, financing terms, partnership structure, etc.


GM3 creates professional quality Offering Memoranda for clients to share with potential investors and stakeholders. Materials typically include a business plan, financial projections, market analysis, pictures, etc. As part of this process, GM3 can advise on partnership terms to best position the project for a successful equity raise.


GM3 can take the lead in executing a variety of services over the investment lifecycle, including establishing/managing 3rd party relationships (leasing personnel, property managers, regulatory agencies, vendors), pursuing public financing/subsidy opportunities, proforma budgeting, etc.

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